Chris Christie: David Wildstein Says He Knew Of Bridge Closure

010913_christie_wildstein_bridgetkelly Chris Christie, the New Jersey Governor and would-be hope for the Republican Party, is running for legal cover after David Wildstein, the now-former Port Authority official responsible, along with now-former Deputy Chief of Staff Bridget Kelley, for the lane closures done as political payback to the Democratic mayor of Fort Lee, NJ., said that Christie knew about the closures.

David Wildstein is obviously both pissed off that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie didn’t remember him or consider him a good friend, and is equally pissed that the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey will not grant him the legal immunity he seeks, or cover his legal bills.

And Wildstein, considered by many a friend of Christie’s dating back to high school has got to be pissed over what Christie said at his now famous press conference on Bridgegate. “David and I were not friends in high school. We were not even acquaintances in high school. We didn’t travel in the same circles in high school. You know, I was the class president and athlete. I don’t know what David was doing during that period of time.”


And as Christie’s staff and legal team rush to install damage control, it becomes clear that my prediction that Christie will have to resign is coming true.

For the present, Christie’s staff is earning its keep by saying the letter only proves that the Governor knew about the closures when they happened, and did not know about the planning of the event.

Also, Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich has said there are “credibility issues” with what Wildstein claims. Mayor Mark Sokolich said to CNN’s Wold Blitzer “We lawyers, you know, we’re trained to write very carefully written letters. I mean, if you really peel back this onion, I mean, it specifically says that, you know, there was no prior knowledge…Look, from my perspective, from Fort Lee’s perspective, there’s obviously credibility issues with Mr. Wildstein and he certainly is bucking for immunity.”

So now Wildstein is like a trapped animal backed into a corner.

Stay tuned.

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