Just as this blogger stepped off the United Airlines plane from Atlanta, my Mom called to inform me that Casey Anthony was “not guilty” of first degree murder, and child abuse, but guilty of lying to the police. My casual reaction is that the verdict was of no surprise, because the prosecution failed to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she actually murdered her daughter Calee Anthony.

But HLN’s Nancy Grace went totally nuts when she learned that Casey Anthony was declared “not guilty.” In fact, Grace went so far off the chain, “Nancy Grace” became a Twitter Trending Topic, and remained that way for most of the day, Tuesday.

But Nancy needs to get over it. She’s spent a lot of time trying to skew the conversation about Casey Anthony by offering tons of comments about her character. But not even Ms. Grace can offer an explanation with solid evidence, proving that Casey Anthony killed Calee Anthony.

Moreover, there’s something about Casey Anthony’s father George Anthony that makes me suspicious of him. I can’t put my finger on it, but his crying session of two weeks ago didn’t sell me. I thought he was acting. In my view, Mr. George Anthony knows much more than he lets on.

Also, where was the father of Calee Anthony, and why is it that, to this day, no one can identify him except Casey Anthony, and she’s not talking?

A lot of questions unanswered, but now we can take the focus off the idea that Casey Anthony killed her daughter, and toward a more clinical analysis of the crime.

At least I hope so.

By Zennie Abraham

Zennie Abraham | Zennie Abraham or "Zennie62" is the founder of Zennie62Media which consists of zennie62blog.com and a multimedia blog news aggregator and video network, and 78-blog network, with social media and content development services and consulting. Zennie is a pioneer video blogger, YouTube Partner, social media practitioner, game developer, and pundit. Note: news aggregator content does not reflect the personal views of Mr. Abraham.

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