
Zennie62Blog.com News Site by Zennie Abraham for Zennie62Media, Inc

LA Gun Buy-Back Yields Rocket Launcher: Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa

rocket-launcher The City and County of Los Angeles stagged a gun buy-back program that was very successful. So much so it yielded a rocket and grenade launcher.

According to Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, the event resulted in a whopping total of 2,037 firearms, including 75 assault weapons and a rocket launcher. In fact, if they had more money for the grocery cards they gave out (the LA minders ran out and had to get a private donation) they could have got more guns off the streets of LA.

Here’s the Mayor on CNN:

So, imagine if this gun-by-back program were expanded to the national stage? If it can work in Los Angeles, where 2,037 firearms were exchanged for grocery gift cards, imagine what a stronger program giving a $50 gift certificate per gun could do?

It’s clear that the buy-back program works. Let’s expand it.

LA Gun Buy-Back Yields Rocket Launcher: Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa

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