Hannah Anderson, Jim DiMaggio, Condoms? San Diego County Sheriff Covers-Up Truth

UPDATE: Hannah Anderson Disables Ask.fm Hannahbanana722 Account

hannaonaskfm Hannah Anderson, who was kidnapped by so-called family friend James Lee DiMaggio, taken to the woods of Idaho at gun point, and then rescued by the FBI, is now telling her story, her way, thanks to a social media platform caled Ask.fm. Hannah didn’t join the platform to tell her story; she was already on it, so a visit to her thread will reveal a dramatic change in the tone of her exchanges with people: first, immature stuff teens say to each other, then after her rescue, a more subdued and mature chat.

FYI before we go further, what follows is disturbing. Let’s lighten up by sharing that her favorite singer is Kesha and she’s back in San Diego for now.

If you don’t know what happened, here’s the first video on it. A new one will be posted today, but it’s important to note, now, that Hannah says she did not ever want to date James Lee DiMaggio:

hannahfriend On Ask.fm, Hannah Anderson, who goes by username hannahbanana722, explains that at some point she will tell the whole story of what happened to her, but what does come out over at Ask.fm is completely horrifying.

For example Hannah explains that James Lee DiMaggio tied her Mom and her brother up, before then writing that she didn’t want to share any more of the story. But prior to that entry, DiMaggio told her that he set the house to blow up at a certain time after they were gone.

That means he kidnapped her, tied them up, and then rigged the house to catch fire.

It’s clear she’s been through a lot:

Q:why do you seem so okay with everything. you answer these questions it seems without emotion. what you have been through is tough and you had a lot of peoole praying for you, in fact I did. It just seems so weird that everything that has happened to you doesnt seem to effect you at all

Hannah: I’m trying to stay strong. And get out the truth. You don’t know I could be crying answering these questions at the moment. You can show real emotion over social media. Do you really think I would be Ohkay with being kidnapped and hurt Nd finding out my dog lil brother and mom was killed.? Your fucking crazy.

She said that when the FBI told her the news about her Mom and Brother, she cried all night long.

Apparently, from reading her accounts, James Lee DiMaggio did indeed make up a fake story about a job he had at the river, and that he needed her help, but she did not know what happened to her Mother and Brother until the FBI rescued her. But she was clearly doing this “work” for him at gun point.

hannah You have to keep in mind that Hannah Anderson didn’t ask for any of this. One day she was at cheerleading practice, and enjoying life with friends like Xavier, pictured here, and sending out selfies, and then and the next day she’s taken off to who-knows-where by a person assumed to be a family friend, but who was a psychotic killer. If you stop and think about it, what she went through was unthinkable. Thank God we have social media, if anything, as a kind of therapy against others who try to tell her story.

Many have wondered why she did not tell the hikers who came upon her that she was in trouble; Hannah explained that she didn’t want them to get killed and said that she was certain he would have killed her if she ran off.

Hannah said that he told her he had “family” feelings for her, and did not want to see her hurt – by who or what, I do not know.

As for her condition, the only problem is a twisted knee she got while hiking with DiMaggio.

By Zennie Abraham

Zennie Abraham | Zennie Abraham or "Zennie62" is the founder of Zennie62Media which consists of zennie62blog.com and a multimedia blog news aggregator and video network, and 78-blog network, with social media and content development services and consulting. Zennie is a pioneer video blogger, YouTube Partner, social media practitioner, game developer, and pundit. Note: news aggregator content does not reflect the personal views of Mr. Abraham.

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