In the video “Melissa King Sex Tape Video: One Of Many Porn Movies In Sexualized America,” this blogger makes the point that the now-dethrowned Melissa King lost her crown for essentially doing what every male who watches a beauty contests thinks: what would it be like to have sex with that beauty queen. In other words, beauty contests sell sex, and attract women who want to be sexually noticed – to toss Melissa King for allegedly being in a sex tape is hypocritical.

While it’s sad that Melissa King felt she had to make a sex tape for money, there’s one observation that’s deliberately ignored: there’s no information to imply that she was forced into it, and there’s every indication that Ms. King was experimenting with the boundaries of acceptable taste and sexual curiosity. What do you expect for an 18 year old?

Remember Carrie Prejean?

Miss Prejean was accused of taking nude photos for a publication, as she was holding the title of Miss California. Frankly, and unlike the Melissa King Sex Tape, the photos were not really nude in that you could not see her private area, just her back. Trump said he like them and she was beautiful.

Donald Trump is a forgiving man, and while he’s not weighed in on this sex scandal issue, I’m inclined to think he would do something that would not amount to just plain tossing Ms. King to the curb. Rather, and given the fact that Melissa King is otherwise hailed as one who’s given back to the community and represented her crown well, I’d think Trump might find some other way of handling the situation.

But this beauty contest is not owned by Donald Trump. If it were owned by me, I’d have figured out some alternative form of punishment and let her keep the crown – if only to benefit from the chance to monetize the exposure.

Next Step For Ms. King?

What’s next for Ms. King? Well, she’s got an offer on the table to make $250,000 as a porn model for My suggestion is she not take it. What Ms. King may not know is she’s actually in the driver’s seat here. Her Google Insight For Search rating is at 100 – that’s A-list area. It means that wherever she turns, she has the potential to make money from being Melissa King.

And guess what? She doesn’t even have to make a sex tape. There are publications who would pay as much as $100,000 for an exclusive interview with her. That’s the route Melissa King should take – get an agent, and milk her fame while she can.

By Zennie Abraham

Zennie Abraham | Zennie Abraham or "Zennie62" is the founder of Zennie62Media which consists of and a multimedia blog news aggregator and video network, and 78-blog network, with social media and content development services and consulting. Zennie is a pioneer video blogger, YouTube Partner, social media practitioner, game developer, and pundit. Note: news aggregator content does not reflect the personal views of Mr. Abraham.

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