Anyone who voted for Bachmann at the straw polls was able to enjoy music from Randy Travis, Grammy winning country singer. Bachmann spent lots of money getting him out there and made it so if people wanted to watch the singer perform they had to vote for Bachmann in the straw poll. What a way to buy votes. reports:

“Bachmann spent upwards of $1 million, paid for over 6000 tickets, paid for Grammy Award
winning, country musician Randy Travis to show up, and bussed in Randy Travis fans in order to secure 152 more votes than Congressman Ron Paul. Michele Bachmann’s camp handed out flyers, which stated that in order to see the entertainment, you had to vote for her first.”

A Ron Paul video yesterday (wish I could find the link) is what sparked this post.

By Nikky Raney

Because I'm Nikky Raney & you're not. Student, blogger & aspiring journalist as well as editor. I have already been a paid journalist and I have a lot of experience. Worked for political campaigns as well as at a television station. I am currently attending New England School of Communications in Bangor, Maine. I was Managing Editor and was one of the creators in 2006 of the largest student run newspaper in New England: The Tide, at Dover High School in Dover, New Hampshire. I was born June 7, 1990 in the Philippines. My personal site is The Future of Journalism - You can follow me on twitter -

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